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Version: v1.0.4

Development tips

This section gives you some tips on the Taichi compiler development. Please make sure you have gone through developer installation.

Workflow of the Taichi compiler

Life of a Taichi kernel is a good place to get started, which explains the whole compilation process step by step.

Folder structure

Key folders: (the following chart can be generated by tree . -L 2)

├── benchmarks # Performance benchmarks
├── docs # Documentation
├── examples # Examples
├── external # External libraries
├── misc # Random yet useful files
├── python # Python frontend implementation
│   ├── core # Loading & interacting with Taichi core
│   ├── lang # Python-embbed Taichi language & syntax (major)
│   ├── snode # Structure nodes
│   ├── tools # Handy end-user tools
│   └── misc # Miscellaneous utilities
├── taichi # The core compiler implementation: C++ source of
│   ├── analysis # Static analysis passes
│   ├── backends # Device-dependent code generators/runtime environments
│   ├── codegen # Code generation base classes
│   ├── common # Common headers
│   ├── gui # GUI system
│   ├── inc # Small definition files to be included repeatedly
│   ├── ir # Intermediate representation
│   ├── jit # Just-In-Time compilation base classes
│   ├── llvm # LLVM utilities
│   ├── math # Math utilities
│   ├── platform # Platform supports
│   ├── program # Top-level constructs
│   ├── python # C++/Python interfaces
│   ├── runtime # LLVM runtime environments
│   ├── struct # Struct compiler base classes
│   ├── system # OS-related infrastructure
│   ├── transforms # IR transform passes
│   └── util # Miscellaneous utilities
└── tests # Functional tests
├── cpp # Python tests (major)
└── python # C++ tests

C++ and Python standards

The C++ part of the Taichi compiler is written in C++17, and the Python part in 3.6+. You can assume that C++17 and Python 3.6 features are always available.

Efficient code navigation across Python/C++

If you are working on the language frontend (Python/C++ interface), you may want to navigate across Python/C++ code. ffi-navigator allows you to jump from Python bindings to their definitions in C++. Please follow their README to set up your editor.

Printing IRs in different stages

When creating a Taichi program using ti.init(arch=desired_arch, **kwargs), pass in the following parameters to make the Taichi compiler print out IRs in different stages:

  • print_ir=True: print the Taichi IR transformation process of kernel (excluding accessors) compilation.
  • print_accessor_ir=True: print the IR transformation process of data accessors, which are special and simple kernels. This is rarely used, unless you are debugging the compilation of data accessors.
  • print_struct_llvm_ir=True: save the emitted LLVM IR by Taichi struct compilers.
  • print_kernel_llvm_ir=True: save the emitted LLVM IR by Taichi kernel compilers.
  • print_kernel_llvm_ir_optimized=True: save the optimized LLVM IR of each kernel.
  • print_kernel_nvptx=True: save the emitted NVPTX of each kernel (CUDA only).

Data accessors in Python-scope are implemented as special Taichi kernels. For example, x[1, 2, 3] = 3 will call the writing accessor kernel of x, and print(y[42]) will call the reading accessor kernel of y.


See Benchmarking and regression tests if your work involves IR optimization.